Mental Therapy

With all the stress of work and family, hubby and decided to buy a jigsaw puzzle the other week. We picked a Disney one just for laughs (1500 piece). It’s been years since we’ve done one, so we thought why not. We have one of those jigsaw puzzle boards that fold up and can be carried around. Due to the crappy weather during the week, we couldn’t go away on our camper, so today we decided to set it up outside on the patio table, get out drinks and nibblies. Started our puzzle and in a blink of an eye 5 hours has passed! Never once we talked about work, family or other stressful topic. There was no tv or phone, just music playing. This beats therapy any day, trust me, I’ve been there. We both work in an industry which can be stressing, hubby more so. I work in aged care, so my days at work are quite full on. Many days I don’t get a break, not because we don’t get one, but due to the nature of our work. I’m often covered in bruises and scratches (and that’s from my adorable residents in the nursing home I work in). The residents families can stress out us carers as well, complaining constantly. Don’t get me wrong, majority of families are lovely, understanding what we do and how hard we try. It’s the minority that either can’t help themselves or just cannot please. Anyway, I often come home mentally exhausted. So hubby and I have decided to have one day a week that we do absolutely nothing for the day. Today was one of those days. Can’t wait for the next one.

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